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Write to us to have all the information about our Hotel

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For reservation enquiries and further information about your family Holiday, please complete our contact form.
We are always at your disposable for any information or request.

Contact Form

Find us and arrive

With the car: follow motorway A10 Savona-Ventimiglia to the exit San Bartolomeo al Mare. Drive on the main road SS Aurelia towards Imperia (for 2 km about).
With the train: the stop is “Diano”. From the railway station you could easily reach our Hotel by bus or by taxi.

Book now

Make now a reservation with our BOOKING ONLINE to have the best rate possible.

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hotel bellevue et mediterranèe
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Via Generale Ardoino, 2, 18013 Diano Marina IM | Tel. 0183 4093
VAT: 00004190088 | CITR: 008027-ALB-0001 | Privacy | Cookie